Join Us!

Our registration software has been experiencing technical issues. If your registration is not going through, we are aware of it and working toward a solution. You can email with additional questions.

Thank you for your patience!

Registration Details

  • Junior Camp opens Monday, March 3rd at 10am MT

    (for those born in 2013-2016)

  • Intermediate Camp opens on Tuesday, March 4th at 10am MT (for those born in 2011-2013)

  • Senior Camp opens on Wednesday, March 5th at 10am MT (for those born in 2007-2011)

  • Feature Out-trips open on Thursday, March 6th at 10am MT

  • Family Camp opens on Friday, March 7th at 10am MT

  • Keenagers Registration opens Wednesday, March 12th at 10am MT

You can log in to your online account to get things ready before registration opens!

Are you having trouble with your online account?
Call our registration software provider CAMPWISE and they will help sort it out.


How to Register For Camp

Looking for more info about how to fill out our Registration forms? Check out this "How to" video for an overview of the process!

If you have any questions feel free to contact  the camp office (403-563-5120) or by email at

Why is Camp Free?

Why do we offer a fee-free camping experience? 

How can we continue to operate this way for 60+ years?

Check out this brief video from our Director about why we do what we do and how you can be a part of this amazing story!


  • 2025 Summer Camp registration will open the week of March 3rd over multiple days.

    Please sign up to our registration email list for details on that. Also, make sure that your online account is ready for when registration opens! Details are below on ways you can get things ready for registration. This will help speed up the process and make your life easier!

    • First Time Registering Online? You (as the adult or parent/guardian) will need to create an online account in our registration software, with a username, password, email and security question, and then add all your campers to your account.

    • Already Have An Account? If you already have an account, please log in with the username and password you already have, and make sure all your information is up to date so that when registration opens everything will flow smoothly for you. If you forgot your username or password, look in previous emails from us and it should be there. If you can't find it, call the CAMPWISE support number and they will help you out! 

    When your account is all ready to go, all you will have to do when registration opens is log back in with your username and password. You will then be able to select the camper's registration options and complete the required forms.

  • Our camps fill very quickly. For the best chance of ensuring a spot for your camper, be online just before registration opens at 10am MT for the age group you are applying for, and refresh the page until the registration link appears. 

    If you do not get into your preferred session, we also hold spots for campers with referrals and parents or guardians who volunteer. 

    During registration, each camper can select only one individual camp that they want to register for and will find out immediately if they are registered or on the waitlist for that camp. For example, a camper could register for Junior One and would know right away if they are Registered or Waitlisted, as it will show up on their dashboard.

    Please be sure that all of your information and forms are filled out correctly with a green check mark beside each one.
    All forms must be completed to process your registration.

    During registration, you will be offered the opportunity to select a first choice, as well as second and third choices (if other dates could work for you).

    When you have completed your application:

    • Your status will change to "Enrolled Not Registered" as we sort through applications.

    • If you are approved for a program, your status will change to "Registered".

    • Otherwise, you will be marked as "Waitlisted" with the hope that a space will open up.

    *Note that waitlisted campers of volunteers will be accepted later on, once volunteer paperwork has been completed and approved. We also will have more space open up for campers as more cabin leaders sign up to volunteer.

    • Our camps fill very quickly

    • During registration, each camper will be able to select only one camp session to register for and will find out immediately if they are registered or on the waitlist for that camp. For example, a camper could register for Junior One and will know immediately if they are Registered or Waitlisted, as it will show up on their dashboard. Note that waitlisted campers of volunteers will be accepted later on, once volunteer paperwork has been completed and approved.

    • Junior, Intermediate and Senior campers can select their first, second, and third choice for the camps they would be interested in attending for their age group in order of preference, should a spot open up for them off of the waitlist.

    • After registering, it will say "Enrolled not registered" which simply means that we are still sorting through applications. It is only when it says "Registered" that a camper is accepted, or "Waitlisted" that they have been placed on a waitlist.

    • Registration will be online only, there will be no in-person, paper form, or over-the-phone option.

    • Our camps are strictly based on birth year, not the camper’s age during the camp

    • Campers may only register once per year. Please do not register your camper in more than one camp. If the same camper is registered twice, both applications will be rejected, and they will need to re-register.

    • When registering online for the first time, you (as the adult or parent/guardian) need to create an online account in our registration software, with a username, password, email and security question. You can also add your campers into your account.

    • If you already have an account, please log in with the username and password you already have, and make sure you update your information and make sure it is accurate so that when registration opens everything will flow smoothly for you.

    • If you are registering a camper for a friend, there are two options for how you can do this. First, you could create a new login for them so that the camper is under their family group rather than yours (this will need to be done in communication with your friend so that they can have the new login information to modify camper details or register in future years). Or you can create a New Registration under your login information. However, this will mean that your friend’s camper will be under your family login, so modifying or transferring camper details for future years would be more complicated.

    • Only the highlighted fields and those marked with an (*) are required to complete the registration form, all other fields can be left blank or filled out as you see fit.

    • We run all our camps completely fee-free so that everyone can have the opportunity to come to camp. There will be no registration fees.

    • Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp is funded entirely by donations and staffed by volunteers: parents and people who want to encourage and participate in our camp. If you are interested in being a part of what we are doing here, you can volunteer, or contribute financially. Learn about Volunteering HERE and Donating HERE

    • Make sure that the email address is in your contacts so that emails don’t bounce. Since we generally contact people via mass emailing, please make sure our email address is also saved to your contact list or address book so that messages from us end up in your inbox instead of junk/bulk mail folders.  

  • After registering for camp this year, make sure all forms are completed with a green check mark beside them.

    • You can update these forms by logging in with your username and password and scrolling down to the forms sections. From there you can click on each form that does not have a green check mark beside it and complete the necessary information. 

    • Also, be sure you don't have any active notifications regarding missing information.

    • Please note that we can not process camper registrations with incomplete information - so be sure that everything is completed and correct.

     To view where your registration is at, log in to your online account to view which camp your camper has been accepted into, or if they are on a waiting list. Below are a couple of different examples of what the camper dashboard could say.

    • "Enrolled Not Registered" - for some camps, such as those registering for our Youth or Family Out-trips, it may say this until we have finished sorting through applications based on the out-trips class. After this, it will switch to one of the following options.

    • "Registered" - it will say this once a camper is accepted for a camp session, with that camp session and dates listed beside it. Note that this may not be their first choice - but could be their second or third choice.

    • "Waitlisted" - it will say this when a camper has been put on a waitlist for a summer camp for their particular age group. Note that every summer we can take the camper off the waiting list right up until the camp starts - so there is always hope.