2025 Registration and Referral Process

The annual report for 2024 is just out (see it here) but we are already thinking about summer 2025 when campers and staff will arrive to experience Deep, Integrated, Life-giving, Community at Crow. Below is an update regarding the Registration and Referral Process. 

Most of our registration is done on a "first come, first served" basis. Register for an account at this link here, and in March 2025, request a place for your camper. Those slots fill up fast (within minutes) but if you are on the ball and plan ahead, you can get your kids signed up this way.

There are two other ways that kids can be registered for camp:

  1. Volunteer: If you volunteer for a role at camp, that enables kids to come. For instance, if a volunteer commits to be a cabin leader, we can host 5 to 6 kids! We encourage volunteering, by ensuring children of volunteers have a spot at camp. If you want to volunteer, email Mason at volunteer@crowcamp.ca 

  2. Referral: If you get a referral from your church or another community group, you will receive an early registration code. We are encouraging referrals because: 

    • Some families don't know that their kids can come to camp or cannot get the time off work on registration opening day. Referrals give churches and community groups a way to tell us about kids who would benefit from a week at camp so that those kids don't miss out just because their parents aren't aware or cannot get them registered.

    • We really value the work churches and community groups do and want to work with them. We want to contribute to the work already underway at churches and community groups, by helping their kids get out for a week of camp.

    • We intend to connect with your Church or Community and talk to them before we accept your application to come to camp. They'll need to fill out a form or write us a letter on your behalf. If you are not connected to a church or community group, email us - david@crowcamp.ca - and we can help with that.

    • You can provide the contact at your Church or Community group with this link (Referral Link). They will need some information from you: The camper’s full name, which camp you are asking to be referred to (Check out the 2025 schedule), and parent/guardian name and contact info, so we can send you the registration information.

Please Note: Referrals must be received by Feb 16, 2025, to reserve a spot. Referrals received after Feb 16 will be assessed based on the referral and the potential number of spaces available. All registrations with referral codes must be completed by February 21.


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